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Friday, September 20, 2013

Is Technology Ruining Social Interaction?

Everyone's been in a situation where they have resorted to their phones to avoid awkward situations with other people. I have done so myself on many occasions. Technology, in this sense, can be a life saver. Although, resorting to phones instead of talking to others around can be detrimental. When we use our phones, we are less likely to converse with others around us; we are in another world. People lose the chance to spark up conversations about the weather which may lead to other interesting conversations about their many interests. We lose the ability to learn new things from and about each other.

As I was doing my observations at the Eaglecafe in Pray Harold, I noticed one similarity between all the students who weren't already talking to another person. All of them were using technology at the time. Whether they were bent over their tiny iPhones, or staring at their laptop screens, these students seemed engulfed by their technology. They weren't interacting, they were too busy texting their mom or whatever else they do on their devices. There was one pair of female students who came to the cafe together and sat at the same table, but they weren't talking and had their noses in their small tablets. It’s a sad day when an Eaglecafe is packed with students, but abominably dead with silence.

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